Molicel P28A 2800mAh 25A

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  • Regular price £8.00
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Manufacturer: E-One Moli Energy Corportation

Model: P28A

Capacity: 2800mAh

Maximum Continuous discharge: 25A

Nominal Voltage: 3.6V/3.7V

Fully charged voltage: 4.2V

Terminal: Flat-Top

Protection: Unprotected


Warning Lithium batteries can be dangerous if mis-used here are some tips for battery saftey.

- Always use a case when storing batteries, do not leave loose in your pockets, bags etc keep away from keys, coins and small metallic objects.

-Do not short Batteries, Intentionally or Accidently connecting the positive and negative of a cell.

-Never completely discharge batteries (The cut off for most cells is 2.5V-2.8V)

-Never submerge batteries in water or expose them to extremes of temperature of temerature fluctation.

-Periodically inspect your batteries for damage to the wrap or insulator that could lead to a direct short.

-Always dispose end of life cells at your local WEEE recylcing centre or collection point.